Extractives Transparency Week 2022

7 – 9 November 2022

The PH-EITI Extractives Transparency Week (ETW) is an annual series of fora and learning sessions on extractives resource governance and revenue management. ETW aims to empower stakeholders to participate in resource governance. It is part of PH-EITI’s comprehensive Stakeholder Engagement Program that seeks, among others, to ensure inclusive multi-stakeholder participation both at the national and subnational levels.

For 2022, the ETW provided a space for the development of actionable recommendations to address extractive industries related priority issues of mining, oil, gas, and coal stakeholders. The ETW also discussed how the EITI platform can inform public debate and initiatives on climate change and energy transition. This is in line with the global initiative to incorporate such concerns in the global reporting standards.


Consultative Constituency Meeting

Women Leaders Forum

A government-led, multi-stakeholder initiative implementing EITI, the global standard that promotes the open, accountable management, and good governance of oil, gas, and mineral resources. PH-EITI was created on 26 November 2013 through EO No. 147, s. of 2013. It is a government commitment first announced through EO No. 79, s. of 2012.

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