We would like to thank everyone who participated in the event. We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving our logistics and content.

A total of 241 stakeholders participated in the Consultative Constituency Meeting. 139 attended physically at Marco Polo Ortigas while 102 people attended via Zoom.

The government, industry, and civil society stakeholder constituencies of the PH-EITI gathered for a series of discussions on pressing EITI related matters, including beneficial ownership transparency, transfer pricing, extractives integrity, energy transition, and civic engagement. A breakout session was also facilitated per constituency to gather priority extractive industries related issues that the PH-EIT MSG needs to address. The outputs of the breakout session served as inputs to the breakout session during the National Conference where recommendations to address the raised issues were crafted.


Domestic Legal and Regulatory Framework, Compliance and Challenges on the Beneficial Ownership Disclosures in the Philippines Atty. Oliver LeonardoView
Beneficial Ownership Transparency in UNCAC and other International Frameworks Atty. Kirbee TibayanView
Global Momentum for Beneficial Ownership TransparencyMs. Louise Russell-PrywataView
Transfer Pricing and its Interface with Beneficial Ownership Atty. Romulo Danao Jr.View
Strategic Priorities of the EITI Mr. Mark RobinsonView
PH-EITI Theory of ChangeMs. Aniceta BaltarView
Corruption in the Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) Sector Mr. Matthieu Salomon View
IP Wealth Framework Atty. Geroncio AguioView
Energy Transition and the PEP 2020-2040DOE-EPPB Dir. Michael SinocruzView
NAC’s Environmental, Social and Governance InitiativeMr. Martin Antonio Zamora
Selection of CSOs in the MMT and PMRB Ms. Enjie CañeteView

A government-led, multi-stakeholder initiative implementing EITI, the global standard that promotes the open, accountable management, and good governance of oil, gas, and mineral resources. PH-EITI was created on 26 November 2013 through EO No. 147, s. of 2013. It is a government commitment first announced through EO No. 79, s. of 2012.

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